The primary bus routes servicing the Nimbin village are the Nimbin-Lismore and the Nimbin-Murwilllubah services. Read More for the links to bus (and train) routes and timetables around the Nimbin area and the region.
Bus Routes and Timetables
$2.50 RED ticket available to pensioners. The RED ticket is a $2.50 all day multi-ride ticket for use on participating rural and regional bus services, for people who hold a valid:
NSW Seniors Card
Pensioner Concession Card
NSW War widow/er Transport Concession Card
DVA Gold Health Card with requisite endorsements
Asylum Seekers Transport Concession Card
Click here for more info.
1. Timetable for buses between Nimbin and Lismore (Northen Rivers Buslines)
Link here
2. Timetable for buses between Nimbin and Mrwillumbah (Gosels)
Link here
3. For ALL other regional transport info and timetables, check out the Going Places wesbite
4. Between Tweed Heads and Gold Coast (suspended due to Covid..check for updates) - Route 700
Link here