NNIC is funded as a Neighbourhood Centre (info and referrals/community development) under the Community Strengthening stream of the Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) funding, Community Builders program, by DCJ - NSW Department of Communities and Justice
The Emergency Relief program is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) via the CONC - Consortium of Neighbourhood Centres Far North Coast.
The Services Australia/Centrelink Agency is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Human Services.
The Nimbin Brighter Futures Outlet Agency is funded by DCJ via the CONC (Consortium of Neighbourhood Centres Far North Coast) Brighter Futures Program, Far North Coast.
The Nimbin and District Recovery Support Service is funded by the NSW Reconstruction Authority.
7 Sibley Street is a social enterprise project and is self-funded.
Our NEW Nimbin Food pantry is self-funded.
Our soup kitchen and other food aid is supported by donations from the community as well as from Nimbin Aquarius Bakery, Nimbin Emporium, Nimbin Newsagency and Nimbin Organics. Thanks everyone! Your donations are greatly appreciated.
Other funds are sourced by fundraising, donations, and income from our photocopy and computer services.
DONATIONS OF $2.00 OR MORE ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE and are gratefully recieved. To make a tax deductible donation contact us or else just send it in and we will provide a receipt.
BEQUESTS in Wills and Testaments
To make a bequest to NNIC in your Will, we recommend you seek legal advice to ensure your intentions are accurately represented.
The suggested wording for a Will is:
“I give the residue… OR
“I give [insert percentage]% of the residue… OR
"I give [insert specific amount or asset]…
…of my estate free from all debts (secured and unsecured) and all duties and taxes (whether federal or state) payable in respect of my estate to the Nimbin Neighbourhood and Information Centre Incorporated (ABN 18 607 837 325) (“NNIC”) for its general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an authorised officer of the said NNIC shall be a full and sufficient discharge of this bequest.”