What We Do

NNIC is in the heart of the Nimbin Community. We are a community based organisation which provides a wide range of services to disadvantaged people (and others) in the Nimbin community. 

NNIC is run by locals for the local community.

We are a one-stop-shop for all your welfare service needs, and we run on a drop-in basis. Which means anyone can drop in and see us during our opening hours, and usually you can get an appointment to see our community workers on the same day.

Statement of Commitment to First Nations People



You can find our 2023-2024 Annual Report here.

Summary of Activities in 2023-2024

 And a Summary of some of our 23-24 Outcomes:


NNIC is funded by NSW Department of Communties and Justice under the Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) program to provide a community hub and community strengthening services and activities.

NNIC is only partly government funded and relies on donations from the community.  ALL DONATIONS OVER $2.00 ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE and are gratefully received. To make a tax deductible donation contact us or else just send it in and we will provide a receipt.

Our Services include:

  • Qualified Community Workers offering generalist support services including information, referrals, support, crisis support, advocacy, food and electricity vouchers.
  • Generalist Drop In Centre - tea, coffee, meals, support.
  • Public Access to Computers, Internet, Photocopying, Laminating, Faxing, with full support
  • Services Australia/Centrelink Agency
  • Weekly Food Pantry (Wednesdays) and Soup Kitchen (Fridays)
  • Visiting Outreach Services including government and community based organisations, including the Probation and Parole service.
  • Volunteering opportunities and work experience placements, including Centrelink mutual obligations, school work experience placements, State Debt Recovery Work Development Order placements (see CWs for an appointment if you have unpaid fines to find out if you may be eligible to work them off), probation and Parole/Juvenile Jutsice work placements (Community Service Orders).
  • Newspapers and resources
  • We are an Outlet Agency for the CONC (Consortium of Neighbourhood Centres Far North Coast) Brighter Futures Far North Coast- an intensive family preservation program for families with particular issues
  • Various Sustainability Projects and other community development initiatives including 7 Sibley St - Nimbin's Sustainable Living Hub.

Clients who seek our services are mostly Nimbin residents; however we also assist transient and homeless people.

The service provides information and referrals to put you in touch with other services that can help.

NNIC provides at least 25,000 occasions of service to at least 3,000 (and up to 6000) clients and customers every year.

Please click on the above Services tabs for more information.

Communty Development

NNIC also undertakes community development activities which aim to strengthen the community as a whole. Since 2008 years the focus of this work has been the development of Nimbin as a sustainable community, particularly in relation to food security, energy efficiency and viable transport, in the face of peak oil and climate change challenges. Go to the  Sustainability tabs above for more information.

What actually is Community Development?