Minor flooding:
Always Stay Safe and follow recommendations by the RFS and SES etc. Make Sure you have your Bushfire Plan in place and be ready to activate it if necessary.
IF YOU NEED HELP IN AN EMERGENCY, CALL 000. For all other help, the Neighbourhood Centre is a good place to start. Call us on 66891692 or emails us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Emergency Numbers
Ambulance 000 Fire 000 Police 000
If you have a speech or hearing impaiment call 106
SES 132 500
Fire permits/report fires - Northern Rivers Fire Control Centre 6663 0000
Nimbin Police 6689 1244 (NOTE: in an emergency ALWAYS call 000)
Nimbin Hospital 6688 1400
Nimbin GP Clinic 6689 1410
Health Direct 1800 022 222 (24 hours help line for general health advice)
Nimbin Village Pharmacy 6689 1448
Essential Energy - power outages 13 20 80
Useful Links
For up to date information about disasters in the Lismore Local Government Area visit the Disaster Dashboard
Hazards Near Me app (Note: This new app replecase the former Fires Near Me app and includes flood and other info)
Satellite Hot Spots (Note: NOT to be relied upon in life threatening situations)
Hazard Watch - new SES site tracking flood, storm and tsunami hazards
Just Weather a very handy site with hourly weather updates in local and regional areas.
Food Relief, Material aid, volunteering - NNIC - THIS WEBSITE
For More Local Info
ABC Radio North Coast 94.5 FM
NimFM Radio 102.3 FM
Facebook Groups:
Nimbin Disaster Resilence Group
Nimbin Neighbourhood and Information Centre
Not on Social Media?
In the event of a severe emergency event NNIC will publish regular updates including local info taken from social media on this website.
In ongoing emergency situations, such as the 2019 bushfire and 2022 flood events, posters containing up-to-date information will be posted around the village including outside of the Neighbourhood Centre, the Community Centre and the Nimbin Town Hall.
Planning for Disasters
To check if your property is in a bushfire prone area go to the RFS website here.
To check if your property is on flood prone land got to SES here.
For information and tips on how to make a Bushfire Survival Plan
For information and tips from the SES on making a Floods/Storms Emergency Plan
For information and tips from Resilience NSW on preparing emergecy surival and emergency evacuation kits click here
For more information and tips from the Red Cross on preparing an Emergency Survival kit
Preparing for Heatwaves: Beat the Heat
Important Message from SES to Northern Rivers Residents: Be prepared for a predicted season of heavy weather. More info and helpful tips here.
Mental Health and Other Support
For generalist information and referrals call Nimbin Neighbourhood and Information Centre (NNIC), weekdays 10am to 4pm 6689 1692, or drop in at 71 Cullen Street, Nimbin.
For crisis support, material aid and support with financial distress book an appointment with our NNIC Community Worker (Wed-Fridays 10am-4pm) 6689 1692.
For a list of local health practitioners, HELPLINE services and phone numbers, see the Health section of this website.
Nmbin Centrelink/Services Australia Agency: Located at NNIC. open 10am-2.30pm Mon-Thursday, 10am-2pm Fridays. Some of the key Centrelink numbers are:
Newstart 132 850
DSP 132 717
Aged pension 132 300
Families 136 150
Youth Allowance 132 490
Are you suffering from Eco/Climate-Anxiety? Eco-anxiety (sometimes called ‘eco-distress’ or ‘climate-anxiety’), is a way of describing how people feel when they hear bad news about our planet, the climate, and the environment.
You might feel anxious, worried, upset, scared, sad, angry, overwhelmed or unsure about the future. And that’s completely understandable: climate change is a very real issue, affecting lives, livelihoods, the economy and ecosystems right around the world. For Tips and Tools on how to deal with this see this useful link.
Wildlife Information, Advice and rescues
WIRES 1300 094 737
NRWC 6628 1866
Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers 6672 4789
Friends of the Koala 6622 1233
NEWS and Updates
Nimbin Disaster Resilience Project This project, which was generously funded by the Northern Rivers Community Foundation (NRCF) wound up in October 2023.
The funding was invaluable in enabling us to revise and consult around the Nimbin Community Disaster Plan, purchase emergency evacuation equipment and supplies, shore up the Emergency Radio Network, and build the Community Care Team. Many thanks to NRCF and also to Virginia Waters, our Project Officer, who carried this project forward so expertly and competently. Thanks also to Steph, Kylie and Anna, and the NDRG volunteers - all of whom ensured the project was delived according to plan.
Revised Nimbin Community Disaster Plan can be viewed or downloaded here. This is a reduced size version to make it easier to access. To view a hard copy of the full resolution file drop into NNIC during our opening hours. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the revision process.
The Report on the Community Survey conducted in late 2022 in relation to the draft revised Plan can be veiwed or downloaded from the Surveys Results section of this website.
Nimbin Community Care Team and the local Emergency Radio Network
Recruitment of Community Care Team volunteers across the catchment area continues. Free training is provided to CCT members. If you would like to become part of this great community-led intiative, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fill in the onlone EOI form below.
What Is The Community Care Team (CCT) Project?
The aim of the CCT project is to ensure that all members of our community are quickly accounted for in a disaster, and that everyone has a way to access help when the region becomes isolated and communication services are lost. We aim to recruit community members to form “Community Care Teams”, across the area. CCT members will be trained in the knowledge and skills necessary to safely carry out welfare checks and identify needs, including first aid, psychological first aid, trauma informed communication, confidentiality protocols, identifying skills and resources within your region, identifying likely disaster impacts in your locality and more. CCT members will work in partnership with the Radio holders (see below) to communicate with local response agencies.
How to Join The Community Care Team
We would love to hear from you! To register your interest please fill out this Expression of Interest form or contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What Is The Nimbin Emergency Radio Network?
The Nimbin Emergency Radio Network has been developed, in consultation with local Police and RFS, to provide an effective way for residents of the Nimbin Valley to contact response personnel when our region becomes geographically isolated and communication services are lost. Community members in strategic locations were invited to become Radio holders in early 2022 and have been provided with equipment and training. The role of the Radio holder is to access 000 emergency services as needed, request necessary items and services (food, water, medical supplies etc.) and to provide information to response agencies as needed. The project divides the Nimbin Valley into 17 localities with at least 1 trained Radio holder in each locality.
I Have My Own CB Radio; Can I Join The Nimbin Emergency Radio Network?
Because critical information will be shared with response agencies (e.g. RFS, Police) only official Radio holders will be able to use the network, to maintain privacy and also confidence in the reliability of information being relayed to response agencies.
For more info, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 66891692
Radio Network Resources follow this link to find the excellent radio network resources put together by the Channon Hub.
Contact Us
To contact the Nimbin Disaster Resilience Group (NRDG) email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Nimbin Community Disaster Plan
Background: The Nimbin Disaster Plan was officially launched at the Nimbin Town Hall at 10am on Saturday 24th April 2021.The Nimbin Community Disaster Plan was developed in 2021 by the Nimbin Disaster Resilience Group, in partnership with Lismore City Council and with assistance from Locale Consulting. The project was made possible with funding provided through the joint Commonewealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements and specifically the Bushfire Community Reslience and Economic Recovery Fund Phase 1. This Plan acknowledges the extensive impact of the 2019/2020 bushfire season and that our community needs continued support to navigate the long, personal journey of recovery. Before the bushfires, the Sustainable Nimbin Community Plan 2016-2021 identified the need to prepare this Plan.
The development of the Plan was informed by numerous community consultations and a community survey conducted during Dec 2020 - Jan 2021.
The launch included a sobering but very useful overview from Robert Kooyman, well-known botanist and ecologist, of the values of the World Heritage Gondwana Rainforests of Australia and an update on the forests and rainforests of the Nightcap and Border Ranges region. He also updated us on the continuing post-fire research and discussed the implications of those findings for the future of the local forests, local landholders and residents.You can view or download the slides here.
Nimbin Community Disaster Plan Revision 2022-2023
The Disaster Plan was revised and updated after the flood event of 2022. See the the link to revised Plan, above.
What has been achieved so far?
Community Disaster Supplies – A shipping container has been installed at Nimbin Showground and stocked with emergency equipment (thanks to funding from The Flood Relief Fund (Partnership between Northern Rivers Community Foundation (NRCF) and the Byron Community Centre), and the generosity of the Nimbin A&I Society.
Plan updated the Disaster Plan has been revised and updated and most notably a Community level Resonse and Recovery Plan has been added (previously the Plan focused only on Preparedness).
Install water tanks on community owned sites in the village – one large tank installed on Community Centre grounds (behind the Neighbourhood Centre), two large tanks purchased for the Showgrounds.
Disaster Info Sheet produced and added to the Welcome To Nimbin Kit.
Dedicated community Disaster page added to Nimbin Neighbourhood and Info centre’s website, and regularly updated.
Family Disaster Info Days – Virtual Family Fun Day workshops held on 13th November 2021 – Evacuation Kit Pillowcase workshop for kids with Red Cross, Build a Native Bees Hotel with Barbara Mills, Beeswax Wraps with North East Waste, family showbags. (Funded by Healthy North Coast).
Sustainanability Alley at the Nimbin Show 2023 the overall theme was resilience and featured info about the Disaster Plan, NERN and CCT and stalls from various response and recovery agencies. At least 350 people came through over the weekend and 174 or them did our Sustainability Alley Quiz to be in the running for great disaster resileince and bug out kits. 78% of people (incuding 42 kids aged 12 or under) who did the Quiz got the answers 100% correct! Good work peoples!
Spontaneous Volunteer Kit drafted.
Central Information Desk was opened at Nimbin Town Hall foyer after the Feb/March 2022 Flood Disaster.
After Action Reviews were conducted after the 2022 Disaster by NNIC, CWA, RFS and others.
So What’s Next?
The revised Disaster Plan has been significantly updated to reflect our community experience of the 2022 Disaster.
The original Disaster Plan was focused on Preparedness. The revised Disaster Plan now includes Response and Recovery.
Welcome to Nimbin Kit
The Welcome to Nimbin was developed for people moving into Nimbin as new residents and aims to link them into Nimbin's activities and culture. A new page has been added to the Kit with general info about disasters. A copy of that new page can be viewed or downloaded here. For more info about, or for hard copies of the Welcome to Nimbin Kit, contact NNIC on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.