Brighter Futures Far North Coast


Nimbin Neighbourhood & Information Centre commenced as a CONC Brighter Futures Outlet Agency in January 2008 with one part time worker joining the NNIC team. Brighter Futures provides intensive support for up to 18 months for families facing certain issues and young children aged 9 years and under.


NNIC is a member of the CONC (Consortium of Neighborhood Centres Far North Coast). The CONC is funded by NSW Famiily and Community Services to deliver Brighter Futures Far North Coast across the region. Each of the participating neighbourhood centres operate as an Outlet Agency for the program. NNIC is the CONC Brighter Futures Far North Coast's Nimbin Outlet Agency. Mid Richmond Neighbourhood Centre (at Evans Head) is the Lead Agency for the CONC for the program. (see the CONC website here)

Core Principles of the CONC Brighter Futures program are:

  • Voluntary participation by families.
  • A strengths-based approach - which builds on people's skills, capacity and competencies.
  • A child-centred approach to focus on the best outcomes for children.
  • Family focus to support families to build skills and capacity to best nurture children.
  • Integrated service which coordinates services for families through a single entry point (which means that one case worker looks after the entire case plan, rather than referring families off in a piecemeal fashion).

Who is Eligible?

Eligibility is based upon a number of criteria...see below about how to access the program.

How to get into the Program?

Referrals are via our Communuity Workers or else via NSW Family and Community Services. Interested families should speak to our CWs about the program and ask for a referral.

For More Information
Contact our CWs or our Brighter Futures Worker at NNIC on 66890233/ 0409917836

The Brighter Futures Website has more detailed information about the Program-