Nimbin CDAT (Community Drug Action Team)
The Nimbin CDAT is a volunteer community group which exists to prevent and reduce drug and alcohol (AOD)-related harms by:
Nimbin CDAT will do this by undertaking a range of local and regional activities and initiatives which:
*Nimbin is defined for the purposes of CDAT as being the area enclosed within a 30km radius from the centre of the village.
Membership of Nimbin CDAT is open to local community members, including representatives from local service providers and agencies as may be deemed relevant by the group.
Local Survey
During 2015 a survey was conducted of people who use drugs in the community to inform the priorities and directions of the Nimbin CDAT.
Click here to see the Report and here to see the Appendices to the Report (Tables and Charts).
Latest CDAT News:
Warning: Fentanyl (a powerful opiate) has been recently been found in fake Xanax pills May 2023.
Coke Making You Sleepy? There has been increasing concern from Australian health authorities about the contamination of drugs sold as cocaine and methamphetamine with fentanyl and acetyl-fentanyl. This means that people who are using what they think are stimulants may be also inadvertently using one of the strongest forms of opioid available.
The concern is that when a person takes a stimulant which is contaminated with fentanyl, the temptation is to take more of it to gain the desired stimulant effect, thereby posing a potential risk of accidental (and possibly fatal) opioid overdose.
Even where fentanyl is introduced in small amounts into other opioids, such as heroin, and the person using it is not aware, this significantly increases their risk of accidental overdose.
Australian overdose deaths involving fentanyl (along with two other synthetic opioids, pethidine and tramadol) have increased by 1,275% since 2006.
It is therefore highly recommended that all drug users and people who are close to them keep Naloxone in their First Aid Kits.
Take Home Naloxone – Back in stock at NNIC and available FOR FREE (also available at the NSP and the Pharmacy), by appointment. Naloxone is a lifesaving drug which temporarily reverses the effects of an opiate overdose. Anyone who may become exposed to opiates, whether by prescription or otherwise, is at risk of accidental overdose. Naloxone buys valuable time for an ambulance to arrive. It is available for FREE at NNIC to people who are at risk of an opioid overdose or adverse reaction, their carers, friends and family members and any other people who may become first responders. Naloxone can be administered by injection or delivered through a nasal spray. To get some for your first aid kit, make an appointment with Nat or Nicole.
CDAT Conference 2022 Two of our members attended the CDAT State conference in June and we were acknowledged for our innovative work in capturing the Cannabis Forum in May utilising our wonderful graphic scribe, Michelle Walker. One of us made it to Splendour in the Grass and despite the mud and sogginess was able to engage many young people in conversations about reducing the harms associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs. NOW RECRUITING volunteers for our activities planned for Mardi Grass coming up in September 2022. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details/info.
Check out our brand new SHORT ANIMATIONS featuring our cartoon characters Freddy Foolhardy and Reckless Rita, and our Harm Reduction Super Heroes Clued-Up Claudelia and Captain Competent:
Reckless Rita and Freddy Foolhardy on: Intoxication and Violence
The animations were made possible by funds obtained through the Local Health District’s Big Ideas pitching competition. We also won a very cool trophy.
The films were made to show on big screens at festivals and events. We hope to see the festivals come back in 2021. In the meantime we will be finding other uses for them.
You are welcome to contact us if you would like to use any or all of these at your event.
Clued-Up Claudelia has come to life!! Through the Big Ideas competition we were also awarded the funds to bring Clued-Up Claudelia to life so she can join Captain Competent on his Harm Reduction escapades. Here she is on set of a movie we have made that is currently being finalised.
CDAT meetings We meet on a monthly basis, on Thursdays at 2pm and meetings are currently being held on line via Zoom. To join Nimbin CDAT contact us at NNIC on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
NOW Recruiting: Harm Reduction Super Heroes – male/s – must be of slim build and 6’ or less – females – size 12-14, average height. Apply to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CDAT 'Toons - See the first 15 in the series in the flip book below.
Here are our latest 'Toons...