Other Services

Nimbin Soup Kitchen and the Annual Community Xmas Lunch The Nimbin Soup Kitchen, a self funded project of the NNIC, offers a nutritious meat & vegetarian soup and bread meal every Friday 11.00 - 2.00, rain or shine at our Food Pantry shed, next door to NNIC. The meal preparation and serving is all done entirely by volunteers. Local Nimbin businesses and individuals donate food regularly.

Donations of fresh produce or labour always welcome. Drop into the NNIC and see the staff if you can help.

A  big thanks to our regular donations from the Nimbin Newsagency, the Emporium, Nimbin Organics, Nimbin Bakery, local home gardeners. A special thanks also to all the Soup Kitchen crew. Any surplus each week is packaged and frozen for distribution to those clients especially with families who are struggling to make ends meet.

We also collect and distribute Christmas Toys to needy families over the Christmas period - thanks again to community members for their donations. The Soup Kitchen year culminates in the annual Community Christmas Dinner held at the Town Hall.


Nimbin Women’s Dinner 7th March 2024 was sold out and a smash hit! Thanks so much to everyone who made it happen, including: Nicole, Claudie, Cath, Heidi, Gin, Kerry, Jasmine, Alison, Biko, Kim, Virginia and Mandi for helping with the organising, with set up, the door, the floor, the dishes, the coffee and cakes and selling raffle tix. Gail and Rachel at the bar.Pauline for the fabulous banners. The NNIC teamsters for all the heavy lifting
and set up during the day.

Indhi and the Little Kitchen Catering crew for the yummy food. Pyewackets for donating cordial shrubs. Cake makers: Chris Harris, Tash, Nicole, Gin, Kerry.

Plus Amanda for the sound and lights - with support from Tim Tonkins, the Community Centre and Neil Pike in helping us to cobble together a sound
system. Thanks to Rachel for working the lights for us on the night.

Thanks to everyone who donated raffle prizes: Pauline Ahern, Nimbin Hills Real Estate, Greenbank, Emporium, Nimbin Building Supplies, Nimbin Servo, Uri, Nimbin Environment Centre, Mandi and Nimbin HEMP.

And thanks also to all the wonderful performers Ellen Briggs, Scarlett Ruffles Clued-Up Claudelia, Combat Cabaret, Asia, Menage and Mutton, plus all the
fabulous women who came along to make for a fantastic night.

As promised, we turned the Inspire Board into a Word Cloud - feel free to download it if you like (more colours available..see the NNIC FaceBook page).


Did you know that seniors are the fastest-growing age group in Australia (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-12-18/fastest-growing-age-group-is-65-and-over-abs-says/5164202)? Over 14 per cent of our population is aged 65 or older, and that rate is expected to continue to grow over the next several years. Here are some excellent health links for seniors and carers -

Healthy Eating Over 60

Be Active: A Physical Activity Guide for Older Australians

Ageing-in-Place Guide for Australian Baby Boomers

Activities for Seniors: 10 Best Hobby Websites

12 Tips to Prepare the Elderly for Disasters

Connections Matter: Helping Older People Stay Socially Active

Caregiver’s Guide to Understanding Dementia Behaviors

Dementia and Driving

Tips for Avoiding Caregiver Burnout