Our Volunteers

Our volunteers provide many hours of invaluable work and energy to make NNIC a comprehensive provider of services. Our volunteers assist our Community Access Worker at our front desk/reception, and perform a wide range of tasks for us, including providing general information to clients and customers, providing tea, coffee, meals etc to drop in clients, managing photocopying and computer business, taking telephone calls and operating the Desk switch, supporting paid staff, arranging appointments and interviews with clients.

Volunteers also do odd jobs like painting and repairs around the centre, gardening, lawn mowing, help clean the centre, feed the cat, search for the cat, find the cat, bring the cat back home, take the cat to the vet. Unless of course they have an aversion to cats.

Thank goodness for our volunteers!

Volunteers involved in projects perform more specific tasks related to the relevant project – e.g. volunteers for the Vacation Care service provide child care, workshops, activities, accompany the children on excursions, attend meetings, develop programs etc.

Soup Kitchen volunteers help with preparation of food during the week and serve clients on Fridays.

NNIC delivers essential services to many people in severe crisis and need, and the efforts of our volunteers in supporting such clients are highly commendable. Such clients often present to us in extremely stressed situations, and our volunteers require significant skill and care to mange such clients appropriately.

We strive to create meaningful volunteer opportunities and support our volunteers to obtain paid employment (if desired by the volunteer), by providing training and support, references, assistance with CVs and interview skills, and of course valuable workplace experience. Many of our volunteers go on to paid positions in the region.

Our Management Committee is also voluntary and involves administrative, management and strategic skills. We are always on the look out for skilled and committed MC members so if you are interested please send your expression of interest and CV to the Management Committee at NNIC.

Volunteers' Rights and Responsibilities

As a volunteer, you have the right:

  • To receive accurate information about the organisation and its policy and/or philosophy on volunteers.
  • To receive a clearly written, comprehensive job description.
  • To have a reasonable understanding of lines of accountability.
  • To be seen as belonging - through inclusion at meetings, social functions, etc.
  • To be seen as an individual, deserving of individual support while performing your  role.
  • To receive proper training, initially and on an on-going basis.
  • To know who to turn to with problems and difficulties.
  • To have your work valued by the organisation.
  • To regularly receive constructive feedback.                            -
  • To be trusted with confidential information if it is necessary in order to carry out your job.
  • To be safe on the job.
  • To be covered by insurance.
  • To have choices.
  • To be able to negotiate.
  • To be able to say No.
  • To carry out your role without being exploited.
  • To be taken seriously.
  • To be informed of the organisation’s policy on reimbursement of volunteer transportation costs.
  • To be consulted on matters which directly or indirectly affect you and your work.

As a volunteer, you have the responsibility:

  • To arrive on time.
  • To be reliable
  • To notify the appropriate person in the organisation if you are not available, or running late.  
  • To agree to the organisation’s policy on volunteers.
  • To respect confidentiality.
  • To respect the rights of the patients or residents and other workers in the organisation.
  • To have a non-judgmental approach.
  • To represent the interests of the organisation - not yourself.
  • To carry out the specified job description.
  • To give feedback, communicating relevant and important information.
  • To be accountable and to accept evaluation.
  • To be committed to the program.
  • To recognise personal and external limitations on commitment.
  • To acknowledge decisions made by staff.
  • To undertake training and have a good understanding of the organisation.
  • To address areas of conflict with the appropriate staff member, the coordinator of volunteers.
  • To ask for support when it is needed.


Volunteer FAQs

Q: Can I do work placements at NNIC to satisfy a Community Service Order (Probation and Parole/Corrective Services)?

A: Yes you can. Apply at NNIC - ask our Team Leader (Mon, Wed and Thursdays).

Q: Can I do work placements at NNIC to pay off my unpaid fines as per a State Debt Recovery Order?

A: Yes you can. Apply at NNIC - make an appointment with one of our Community Welfare Workers (daily, 11am to 3pm) for elgibility details.

Q: What Sort of Jobs Might I Be Asked to Do?

A: There are many jobs including being a volunteer receptionist on the front desk, helping with the soup kitchen on Fridays (see below)  and many other tasks and projects that come up from time to time. Let us know your interests and skills.

Q: Will I Get A Reference?

We are happy to provide a reference and written proof of your time at the NNIC.