Generalist Welfare Services

NNIC's core business is information, referrals and support for disadvantaged community members.

We have almost 50 years' experience in community development and providing services to the community. Every year at least 3000 people come to NNIC seeking info and assistance, and we provide an annual average of at least 25,000 occasions of service.

How we Can Help...

Our Community Support Service recognises diversity and is accessible to all people.  It is committed to the safety of everyone at NNIC including visitors, and staff.

NNIC is a Child Safe service and workplace.

If there is any situation that potentially affects your safety or well being, please let us know.  The Communty Workers provide the following services:

  • Information.
  • Referrals.
  • Personal goal setting.
  • Help with your Bushfire and Emergency Plans.
  • Electricty vouchers.
  • Emergency food and meals.
  • Nappies and baby stuff.
  • Sanitary products and toiletries.
  • Bedding, blankets and swags.
  • State Debt Recovery (Work Development Orders for unpaid fines) assesments and volunteer work placements (we are a WDO sponsor organisation)
  • Advocacy and general support to members of the community who are socio-economically disadvantaged and/or geographically isolated.

People who seek our services are mostly Nimbin residents, however we do assist transient and homeless persons.

The Community Workers are trained and qualified staff. They provide professional support to individuals and families by face to face or telephone appointments.

The service provides information and referrals to put you in touch with other services that can help.

To be eligible for most material aid you will need to provide:

  • Centrelink Card
  • Proof of current Nimbin address
  • Original bill for electricity Vouchers
  • If you reside out of the Nimbin area we can still usually provide some emergency food


  • Appointments are available Wed to Fridays 10am-3pm. Ph 6689 1692 or just drop in.
  • If you have complex issues or require extra support please ask our reception staff for a longer appointment.
  • If you can't make an appointment please call and let us know so others can take your place.
  • For telephone contact with our CWs phone 6689 1453.

We hope that you will find our service helpful.

NNIC values your feedback. Ask for a client feedback sheet if we havent already provided one to you.

You Have the Right to Complain

If you have a complaint about your treatment as a client of our service, you may:

  • Raise the issue and speak directly to the person concerned.
  • Ask reception staff to advise you of the complaints procedure.
  • Fill out a Complaints Registration Form (we can help with that if you need it)
  • Write to the Manager or Management Committee stating the nature of your complaint.

Some of our Outcomes for 2023-24