Key Result/Vision: The community celebrates creativity and encourages participation and involvement through arts and culture.
Latest News - SNCP Review 2024
The Arts and Culture Focus Area was revised at the workshop in June 2024. The DRAFT revised Plan for this focus area is now available for review here.
To provide your feedback and add your input to this Focus Area, follow this link to the Input Survey.
Other News and Updates...
Nimbin Murals - the murals on Cullen street are a famous heritage feature of Nimbin and are some of the most photographed murals in the world. A mural sustainability plan has been developed and progress has been made on renovating the murals.
'Endangered Species' by Amanda Williamson, above the Nimbin Newsagency, left hand side complete.
'Over the Rainbow' - original mural by Benny Zable restored by Benny and team of young artists in April 2013. Thanks to support from Lismore City Council, NNIC, Nimbin Chamber of Commerce, Tuntable Falls Coop, Lismore City Council and the studio space generously provided at Nimbin Birth and Beyond.
This mural was unfortunately destroyed in the 2014 Nimbin fires. There are plans to replace the lost murals when the new buildings are erected.
'Check Mate' mural above the Trattoria/Nimbin Pizza Shop by Vernon Treweeke, aka the father of pyschadelic art in Australia, April 2013. Vernon painted many of Nimbin's murals since before the Aqauarius Festival. He was up visiting for the 40th Anniversary and did this mural while he was here. Thanks to support from Lismore City Council, Nimbin Chamber of Commerce, the studio space generously provided at Nimbin Birth and Beyond, and Peter Wise.
VALE Vernon Treweeke 1939-2015. Sadly, Vernon passed away 19th March 2015. But his legacy lives on as do his significant art works around Australia and the world.
During 2012 the Nimbin Pub replaced their fading old murals with the fab new murals done by Jimmy Willing.