Food Security

Food and Farming


Latest News - SNCP Review 2024

The Food and Farming Focus Area was revised at the workshop in April 2024. The DRAFT revised Plan for this focus area is now available for review here.

To provide your feedback and add your input to this Focus Area, follow this link to do the Input Survey.


Other Info and updates

CONC Far North Coast Food Recovery project NNIC is a partner in the CONC FNC Food Recovery project. Food destined for landfill across the region is recovered and resdistributed  to people in need either directly or cooked up into healthy meals by our wonderful volunteers. Food Recovery deliveries are made to Nimbin on Wednesday each week. For more info and updates see the website and Face Book page.

Local Food Markets

Blue Knob Community Market - Saturday mornings 8.30am til 12pm. At the Blue Knob Hall on Blue Knob Road.

Nimbin Weekly Farmers' Market - Every Wednesday from 3pm to 5pm - next door to the Green Bank. Local Food ONLY. Check out a video made by Guy Stewart, here.

Loads of quality and mostly organic, all local produce (within one hour's travel distance) including fruit and veges, meat, jams and preserves, tofu and tempeh and soo much more. Great for the whole family.

Nimbin Show and Sustainability Alley








Nimbin Food Bytes short film competion: First Prize "The Bouquet" by Peter Hardwick, Pancho Colladetti, and Suse Wolf. Starring Johhny Evolution and Carla Muhling in the lead roles and featuring Leif Lyall and Donato Rosella. Second Prize: "Made in Nimbin" by Guy Stewart, featuring Jason Grignon.


Jason the Baker from Guy "Wholistic" Stewart on Vimeo.






From Top left to Bottom - Johnny Evolution demonstrates the application of fermented probiotic fertiliser. Peter Pedals talks people through his working electric car project. Andrew Kavasilas demonstrates making hemp milk from THC-Free hemp seeds.





Nimbin Community Grain Mill

The Grain Mill is owned and operated by NNIC, and was purchased in 2011 with funds provided by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage as part of the Northern Rivers Food Links project.

The Grain Mill is now located at 7 Sibley Street and is availble to use to mill grains into flour. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info

Whole grains are available for purchase at Nimbin Organic Food Coop. You can grow or purchase your grain and bring it down to the Mill (must be fully dried).

Grain is our bio-region's highest food security weakness.

Milled grain has a very short shelf life, whereas whole grain stores for significantly longer. The Community Grain Mill enables local access to significantly more nutritious milled products.


Food Equipment Library

The Food Processing Equipment Library is now part of the larger Tools and Euipment Library located at 7 Sibley Street.

Membership is available to all financial NNIC members ($5.50 per year). Library fee is $22 per year.

For more info see the 7 Sibley St website.