Key Result/Vision: Community-driven, inclusive, respectful and innovative.
Latest News - SNCP Review 2024
The Social and Political Focus Area was revised at the workshop in August 2024. The DRAFT revised Plan for this focus area is now available for review here.
To provide your feedback and add your input to this Focus Area, follow this link to the Input Survey.
Other News and Updates...
NAG - Nimbin Advisory Group - the NAG was formed in 2010 as conduit between the Nimbin community and Lismore City Council. The aim of NAG is to faciliate better consultation processes between the Nimbin commuity and Council rather than to represent the community itself. The group is currently chaired by LCC Mayor, Steve Krieg. Major changes made to the group in the past Council term has impacted on its effectiveness and put the group at risk. We are hopeful this can be remedied in the near future.