
You can make a direct deposit to the bank account below.

Please email us on with your details so we can acknowledge your donation (unless you prefer to remain anonymous of course).

Bank: Summerland Credit Union

Account Name: NNIC – Sibley St Fundraising account
Account Number: 2230 4372
BSB : 728-728
Key three letters for the target account: NIM


Please include your name in the reference. Write “anon” if you wish your donation to be confidential or else “public” if you are happy for your donation to be acknowledged down the track.

We will keep track of the donations and update regularly via fb, NGT and this website.

All donations will cause you to have extremely warm and fuzzy feelings and the knowledge that you are part of the solutions.

All donations are recognised on this website and other places, unless you wish to remain anonymous.

All donors will be acknowledged on the site in some way we have not decided on yet…it may be names on paving stones, a Combi wall of honour or something else we are expecting a creative genius to come up with!

Donations of $7000 or more will attract special naming rights over parts of the building/s or elements or features of the site.